Cebu City: The Getaway for a Thousand Journeys


Cebu City never failed to live up to its title as “The Getaway for a Thousand Journeys.” If you’re looking at a destination where you could discover a lot of things, Cebu City is the right place for you. This is where you could experience from cultural heritage to famous delicacies.

The Philippines is famously known as a place that offers the best diving experience in the world. When diving you would need to get your Open Water Diving License, or you can come to Cebu to take a scuba diving lesson. Diving trips to Cebu include visits to the tropical aquatic life of the Hilutungan Marine Sanctuary and Nalusuan Santuray. Thresher sharks, Mandarin cod, blue sea stars, and bizarre sea sponges will give you the chance to spot them.


In the Beverly Hills Neighborhood, Cebu City, you could visit the Cebu Taoist Temple. This Chinese-style architectural temple that was built in 1972. This temple became famous due to its artistic constructs. Moving to the island of Mactan, you can visit 10,000 Roses Cafe & More that is surrounded by 10,000 artificial LED-powered roses. Many tourists prefer to go there to see the stunning sunset while the roses light up at night.  

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You can also visit Taboan Public Market where you could buy a lot of goods that you can bring home to your loved ones. There are a wide variety of goods from dried fruits to dried seafood such as danggit.

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